Research Papers Cosmology

Modelling and Analysis of the Hubble Diagram of 280 Type SNIa Supernovae and Gamma Ray Bursts Redshifts with Analytical and Empirical Redshift/Magnitude Functions

International Journal of Astronomy and Astrophysics, 2016, 6, 227-275


Hubble Diagram Test of 280 Supernovae Redshift Data

Journal of Modern Physics,  Vol. 2014, No. 5, pp. 29-33


Hubble diagram test of expanding and static cosmological models. The case for a slowly expanding flat universe

Advances in Astronomy, Vol.  2013,  Article ID 917104


The Photon-Baryon Governed Universe

Physics Research International, Vol. 2012, Article ID 640605


Influence of the Soup-Bubble Structure on the Stability of a Static Flat Universe Consisting of Matter and a Repulsive with 1/R Decaying Scalar Field

Apeiron,  Vol.15, No.2, pp. 139-155, 2008


Does the Hubble Constant Really Represent Recession Velocity? A New Interpretation of the Cosmic Redshift

The General Science Journal, Research Papers Astrophysics/ Download/4178, May 30, 2012


Hubble Diagram Test of Expanding and Static Cosmological Models,  A New Interpretation of the Cosmic Redshift

The General Science Journal, Research Papers Astrophysics/ Download/4931, Juni 18, 2013


Is the Postulate of a Space Expanding Photon Field a Physically acceptable Concept?

The General Science Journal, Research Papers Astrophysics/ Download/4329, October 13, 2012


A New Model of the Expanding Universe

The General Science Journal, Research Papers Astrophysics/ Download/4327, October 12, 2012